Charles Coppes

Charles Coppes


Charles H. (Chuck) Coppes is the founder and president of IDP Consulting Group, an independent precious metals and consulting firm that assists clients with physical delivery, storage and IRA accounts. With a business background in sales and marketing for almost forty years, he has been a licensed securities broker and a featured guest on national radio programs, and is currently the host of The Reckoning Hour, a monthly podcast covering current affairs and economics. He is also a summa cum laude graduate with a degree in Christian Apologetics and Comparative Religions, and writes a free monthly newsletter that’s available at either of his websites.

He is the author of America’s Financial Reckoning Day that provides an in-depth analysis of monetary history, macroeconomics and geopolitics shaping our world. The recent pandemic has raised new concerns about the US and global economy, and the need for a "monetary reset" causing new political paradigms within a prophetic matrix revealed in ancient Biblical texts.



Past Shows:

  • Financial Reckoning / Haunted Real Estate

    Chuck Coppes discussed the massive bailouts and financial concerns. Followed by Mark Anthony, the "Psychic Lawyer," on haunted real estate.More »
  • Financial Storm/ Other Side Communications

    In the first half, business consultant Charles Coppes discussed why he believes we're heading into the "perfect financial storm" which will eventually lead to currency collapse, debt defaults, and hyperinflation. In the latter half, psychic medium, teacher, and motivational...More »

Last Night

Napoleon's US Exploration / Amelia Earhart Mystery
Napoleon's US Exploration / Amelia Earhart Mystery
Author Walter Bosley discussed Napoleon Bonaparte and his mysterious ties to North America. Followed by filmmaker Rich Martini with details on the fate of American aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart.


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