Skip Coryell

Skip Coryell


Skip Coryell works full time as a professional writer. He is an avid hunter and sportsman who loves the outdoors. Skip is also a Marine Corps veteran and a graduate of Cornerstone University. He is the former Michigan State Director for Ted Nugent’s United Sportsmen of America. He has served on the Board of Directors for Michigan Sportsmen against Hunger as well as Iowa Carry Inc.

He is a Certified NRA Pistol Instructor and Chief Range Safety Officer, teaching the Personal Protection in the Home Course for those wishing to obtain their Concealed Pistol Permits and also teaches Advanced Concealed Carry Classes for the more seasoned shooter. Skip is the President of White Feather Press and the co-owner of Midwest Tactical Training. Skip is also the founder of the Second Amendment March.



Past Shows:

  • Citizen Rights & America's Decline

    Joining John B. Wells in the first half, writer and founder of the Second Amendment March, Skip Coryell, discussed what happens when society’s thin veneer of civility is stripped away after the people give up their rights. Next, Larry Kelley, who contends that America is in...More »