Guy Cramer

Guy Cramer


Guy Cramer is the President/CEO of HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp, President of United Dynamics Corp., inventor of the Passive Negative Ion Generator, and the developer of the algorithm. DreamWorks SKG (Movie / T.V. Studio) purchased two Internet sites in early 2001 that were developed and maintained by Cramer through his High Speed Tumbleweed Productions. Guy has worked with and/or corresponded on projects with, the Edmonton Oilers National Hockey League team, NASA JPL, Columbia Accident Investigation Board, U.S. Military Branches and Canadian Forces programs.

In 2003 Guy Cramer, was commissioned by King Abdullah II of Jordan to develop a digital camouflage pattern that surpassed current U.S. issued uniforms. The King has approved this KA2 pattern for Jordanian Armed Forces and Police. Mr. Cramer has since developed over 300 digital camouflage patterns, many based on fractals (feedback loops), and some of these patterns are being used for concealment training in both the British and U.S. Army training. Mr. Cramer is also the grandson and former research assistant of Donald L. Hings, P.Eng, M.B.E., C.M. (Geophysicist) inventor of the Walkie-Talkie "Radio Frequency System" for the Canadian Military 1942, which earned him the prestigious Member of British Empire Award and The Order of Canada.


Past Shows:

  • Rebroadcast: Guy Cramer & Joseph Resnick

    In this rebroadcast from 1/23/05, inventors Guy Cramer and Dr. Joseph Resnick discussed Project HAARP with Art Bell.More »
  • HAARP Experiments

    Inventors Guy Cramer and Dr. Joseph Resnick shared their expertise in the area of HAARP (the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) which is based in Alaska. Resnick said his patents were used in HAARP's phased array antenna system and that because many of the...More »