Heather Cumming

Heather Cumming


Heather Cumming is a Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master/teacher, and certified Qi Gong practitioner. She was born and raised on a cattle ranch in the interior of Brazil. The wranglers who worked the land taught her the importance of living in harmony with nature and the local shamans educated her in native healing traditions. She has studied with shamans and healers in Brazil, Bolivia, and the U.S. In the summer of 2000, Cumming was preparing to take a group of people to see Brazilian tribal shamans when she heard about John of God and felt drawn to visit him. Shortly afterwards, she was asked to take a small group of people to the Casa for healing. When Heather went before the Entity Dr. Augusto, she received a deep healing. From that point on, she knew her spiritual home was Abadinia and devoted her life to service to the Casa and John of God's mission.



Past Shows:

  • California Ghosts

    Psychic medium & parapsychological researcher Michael J. Kouri discussed his investigations into ghosts and haunted sites, particularly in California.More »