Phyllis Curott

Phyllis Curott


A social and spiritual activist, Phyllis Curott is an attorney, Wiccan priestess and author of the critically acclaimed and best-selling BOOK OF SHADOWS: A Modern Woman's Journey into the Wisdom of Witchcraft and the Magic of the Goddess (Broadway Books, 1998), published in twelve countries and WITCH CRAFTING: A Spiritual Guide to Making Magic (Broadway Books, 2001). She has been honored by Jane magazine, along with Hillary Clinton, as one of the Ten Gutsiest Women of the Year, and was a finalist for the 2000 Walter Cronkite Faith and Freedom Award. One of the Wiccan spiritual movement's most renowned and influential theologians, H.Ps. Curott lectures and teaches internationally and was described by New York Magazine as one of New York's hippest and most intellectually cutting edge speakers.



Past Shows:

  • World at Break Point

    AuthorSteve Quayle discussed flash points of increasing tension around the world, including military unrest, financial meltdowns, and UFO activity. A recent fireball in the Pacific Northwest wasn't actually a meteor-- it was a UFO being shot down by a black budget US military...More »