Darragh Mason

Darragh Mason


Writer, researcher, and award-winning travel and documentary photographer Darragh Mason hosts the award-nominated podcast Spirit Box. His highly regarded work includes his study of the Aghori, Djinn, and modern accounts of the Dark Man and witchcraft.



Past Shows:

  • Lost Continent & Vatican Secrets / 'Dark Man' Lore

    Author James Rollins discussed the inspirations behind his latest 'Sigma Force' book, a narrative that resonates with current world situations. Followed by writer and photographer Darragh Mason on folkloric accounts of the 'Dark Man' phenomenon.More »

Last Night

Releasing JFK Files / Remote Viewing
Releasing JFK Files / Remote Viewing
Journalist Jerome Corsi discussed the JFK assassination, contemporary politics, and Donald Trump's claim to release the remaining JFK files. Followed by Remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames on remote viewing and current cases, including Bigfoot activity and the Shroud of Turin.


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