Daryl Stangl

Daryl Stangl


Daryl Stangl is a writer, CHT, Remote viewer, Reiki Healer, and Spirit Releasement Practitioner. He has communicated with over 50 souls who have crossed over and wanted messages delivered to loved ones left behind, before their spirits were released, in order to move on.


Past Shows:

  • Abnormal Encounters / Spirit Releasement

    Author Diane Satterfield talked about her experiences with ghosts and the paranormal, and living in a haunted house. Followed by Daryl Stangl who discussed UFO-related experiences and his work in spirit releasement.More »

Last Night

Cynicism & Society / Soldier's ET Revelations
Cynicism & Society / Soldier's ET Revelations
Professor Jamil Zaki explored the intricacies of cynicism and human connection. Followed by author Michael Salla with the revelations of a US Army soldier on his off-world missions and contacts with Nordic ETs.


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