Dave Bettenhausen

Dave Bettenhausen


Dave Bettenhausen serves as the vice president of medical affairs at a small Midwestern hospital. Whether he is at the hospital or his private practice, he coaches his patients daily about their well-being mentally, physically and spiritually. He believes in a holistic approach to life and regularly lectures and conducts discussions with groups of patients and physicians on healthcare. He has a personal interest in the stages of grief with death, dying and spirituality.

Before he entered medical school, Dave practiced as a registered nurse for ten years. After years in private practice as a physician in Ohio, meditation led him to an encounter with a set of wise spiritual beings known as Mother, Isabella, God & Elizabeth, who revealed many past lives to Dave. Through the insights Dave received during meditation, he underwent a personal transformation and regained his sense of self, which led to a weight loss of 116 pounds. He again found his joy in practicing medicine and with his patients.



Past Shows:

  • Remote Viewing / Shared Past Lives

    Paul H. Smith, who served in the government's Star Gate program, shared updates and recollections on remote viewing. Followed by authors Dr. David Bettenhausen and Carla Bogni-Kidd on their memories of 29 past lives together.More »
  • Operation 40 / Shared Past Lives

    Ole Dammegard delved into Operation 40, the Deep State's elite assassination squad. Followed by David Bettenhausen and Carla Bogni-Kidd on reincarnation and their shared past lives.More »

Last Night

UFO Revelations / Past Lives & Metaphysics
UFO Revelations / Past Lives & Metaphysics
Author and filmmaker L.A. Marzulli updated his work on the interplay between supernatural phenomena, UFOs, and biblical prophecy. Followed by psychic Loren Cielo on his journey into the world of past lives and metaphysical understanding.


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