David Feinstein

David Feinstein


David Feinstein, PhD, a clinical psychologist, has served on the faculty of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and has received nine national awards for his books on consciousness and healing.



Past Shows:

  • Tapping Technique / ET Torment

    Dr. David Feinstein discussed the efficacy of tapping specific body points to alleviate stress and anxiety. Followed by author Ron Felber, who recounted the chilling experiences of two people held captive by aliens.More »

Last Night

Cynicism & Society / Soldier's ET Revelations
Cynicism & Society / Soldier's ET Revelations
Professor Jamil Zaki explored the intricacies of cynicism and human connection. Followed by author Michael Salla with the revelations of a US Army soldier on his off-world missions and contacts with Nordic ETs.


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