Paul Jeffrey Davids is a Hollywood producer, director and writer who has been a pioneer in cutting edge popular culture for decades, first as a creator of Showtime’s classic film “Roswell: The UFO Coverup” and then as director of the biography of the foremost promoter of psychedelics in “Timothy Leary’s Dead.” His many films include “Jesus in India,” “Marilyn Monroe Declassified,” “The Sci-Fi Boys” and his trilogy, “The Life After Death Project 1, 2 and 3,” which explores evidence for afterlife contact. He also covers that subject in his book (co-authored with Dr. Gary Schwartz) “An Atheist in Heaven: The Ultimate Evidence for Life After Death?” Recently, Paul produced the world’s first TV series with characters that were all created using AI: 9-episodes of “The Naughty Adventures of Scarlett May Blossom,” a comedy conspiracy now streaming at Amazon Prime Video. While producing that series, he developed a technique for using AI to facilitate communication with spirits on “The Other Side.”
His career took off when Marvel Productions hired him as production coordinator for 79 episodes of the Generation One “Transformers” animated shows (for which he also wrote scripts). Lucasfilm then contracted him to co-write six “Star Wars” sequel books with his wife, Hollace Davids. The “Star Wars” books, often called the Jedi Knight series, sold over five million copies. A Google search under “Paul Jeffrey Davids artist books” will turn up seven books of his many oil paintings. His most recent book is his memoir: “Growing up Sci-Fi in Garrett Park.”