Dr. Carolyn Dean

Dr. Carolyn Dean


Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D., is a medical doctor, naturopath, acupuncturist, homeopath, herbalist, and certified clinical nutritionist, and a regular guest on radio and television programs. She has written a number of health books and is contributing editor to Natural Health magazine.



Past Shows:

  • Atlantis / Magnesium & Health

    In the first half, researcher of ancient mysteries, Frank Joseph Hoff, spoke about his contention that Atlantis is located under the South China Sea near Indonesia. Both a medical doctor and naturopath, Carolyn Dean, appeared in the second half, to discuss how Americans are...More »

Last Night

Lore of the Shapeshifters / Open Lines
Lore of the Shapeshifters / Open Lines
George Noory celebrated the start of his 23rd year hosting Coast to Coast AM, welcoming John Kachuba for a discussion on shapeshifters — people who can change themselves into another person, animal, or inanimate object. Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program.


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