Brother Michael Dimond

Brother Michael Dimond


Brother Michael Dimond has been a traditional Catholic Benedictine Monk for over 24 years. He is the producer of many videos on the Catholic Church, prophecy, and other subjects. His website, is currently the highest ranked traditional Catholic website in the world. His YouTube channel has over 30 million video views.



Past Shows:

  • Mysterious Death of Dorothy Kilgallen/ Biblical Prophecy

    Mark Shaw reported on the death of Dorothy Kilgallen, who'd been researching the JFK assassination. Followed by Michael & Peter Dimond on biblical prophecy.More »
  • Channeled Messages

    Author and researcher Wynn Free discussed his study of Edgar Cayce's works, as well as his own channeled sources of information who claim to be the "Elohim." Regarding Cayce's unfulfilled prophecy of great devastation and flooding coming to America, he concluded that this was...More »
  • UFO Demons & Fatima Secrets

    Joining George Noory, traditional Catholic Benedictine Monk for 19 years, Brother Michael Dimond discussed why he believes UFOs are demonic entities, as well as the third secret of Fatima and how there is an impostor Sister Lucia. During the first half hour, author Richard...More »
  • UFOs & Demonic Activity

    Brother Michael Dimond discussed his belief that UFOs/aliens are demonic spiritual entities. First hour guest, author Dannion Brinkley talked about issues related to veterans.More »
  • Counterfeit Catholic Church

    Art spoke with Brother Michael Dimond, a traditional Catholic Benedictine monk who contends the modern Roman Catholic Church, in fulfillment of biblical prophecy, has become counterfeit.More »
  • 'Counterfeit' Catholicism

    Traditional Benedictine Monk, Brother Michael Dimond said that the current Vatican represents a "counterfeit" Catholic church and contradicts Catholic doctrine.More »

Last Night

Ancient Cataclysms & Book of Enoch / Angels & the Akashic Records
Ancient Cataclysms & Book of Enoch / Angels & the Akashic Records
Researcher and explorer Timothy Alberino discussed ancient civilizations, cataclysms, and the Book of Enoch. Followed by teacher Amy Robeson on her work with the angelic realm, and the Akashic Records.


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