Aaron C. Donahue

Aaron C. Donahue


Aaron C. Donahue is a Luciferian, occultist, psychic, and remote viewer. A natural born psychic, he was born into a family of psychics. As a remote viewer trained by Ed Dames, he is an expert within the field of 'non-historical data.' To prepare for this, he spent three years in total seclusion, remote viewing pi. As a consequence thereof, he has developed the ability to accurately remote view numbers, a skill that has allowed him to successfully and consistently win the lottery. His current ground-breaking work is focused upon the study and manipulation of particular numerical trends within specific world markets. Aaron is a certified remote viewing instructor who has recently appeared on TV Asahi in Japan and the Sci Fi Channel In Search Of series. He will also be appearing briefly within the new movie Suspect Zero staring Sir Ben Kingsley, Aaron Eckhart, and Carrie Ann Moss of the Matrix.


Past Shows:

  • Lucifer, P.A.N. & Time Travel

    Art Bell chatted with former Satanist turned Luciferian, Aaron Donahue. Donahue believes Lucifer is the "father of the human race" -- an entity that genetically manipulated mankind from primates. He said a Luciferian's focus is on spiritual and psychological evolution, and...More »
  • Forecast: 2006

    Kicking off the New Year, George Noory presented a special 4-hour Predictions Show featuring a group of psychics and prognisticators, each in a half-hour time slot.More »
  • Rebroadcast: Aaron Donahue

    In this rebroadcast from 2/15/04, Luciferian Aaron Donahue shared his remote viewed forecasts with Art Bell.More »
  • Luciferian Thought & Remote Viewing

    Aaron Donahue, a professed Luciferian, shared his remote viewed forecasts which included a scenario that begins in 2025 where humans enter into a computerized matrix that turns out to be hellish.More »
  • Lucifer & Remote Viewing

    "We're a dying race of beings; unless we contact our maker we're going to be written off," said Wednesday's guest, remote viewer Aaron C. Donahue. That maker, according to Donahue is Lucifer (a being different from Satan), whom he described as an ET with pale humanoid features...More »

Last Night

Ancient Cataclysms & Book of Enoch / Angels & the Akashic Records
Ancient Cataclysms & Book of Enoch / Angels & the Akashic Records
Researcher and explorer Timothy Alberino discussed ancient civilizations, cataclysms, and the Book of Enoch. Followed by teacher Amy Robeson on her work with the angelic realm, and the Akashic Records.


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