Paul Dostie

Paul Dostie


Paul Dostie is a retired Mammoth Lakes police sergeant. He is working to bring attention to what has become a personal mission to help bring home America’s soldiers still "MIA." It is a mission he came to after a series of events that began in Mammoth Lakes when Dostie began training his dog Buster as an avalanche rescue dog up on Mammoth Mountain Ski Area. One thing led to another and Dostie grew fascinated with the world of forensic research. He trained Buster as a cadaver dog. Then, a homicide case in Mammoth Lakes (near Shady Rest) led to more contacts in the world of forensic research.

It was then that he decided to train Buster to be something more than a simple cadaver dog. Subsequently, Buster and Dostie have investigated the Barker Ranch, where the Charles Manson Family reportedly went following the Tate-LaBianca murder spree of 1969. After Buster had alerted on several spots at Barker Ranch, Dostie and others were left to believe there were human remains buried there.

Past Shows:

  • UFOs & Belief Systems/ Barker Ranch

    Joining Richard Syrett in the first half, author, attorney, and UFO researcher, Randal Montgomery, discussed the religious aspect of the UFO phenomenon and how it functions as a new mythology/belief system for many. Hel also discussed the sociology of popular culture in regards...More »

Last Night

Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food safety expert Jeff Nelken shed light on the growing concerns surrounding food recalls and safety protocols. Followed by novelist and researcher Stafford Betty on evidence for the afterlife.


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