Barry Eaton

Barry Eaton


Barry Eaton has wide international experience in all areas of the media and entertainment industries. He is a well known radio and TV presenter, having spent many years with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and various commercial radio and TV stations. His profile embraces news and sports anchoring, lifestyle shows, current affairs, talk back radio and in what feels to him like an earlier incarnation, was even a DJ. He currently hosts and produces an internet radio show which has a worldwide audience. He is also a voice over artist narrating documentary films, radio and TV commercials, and more. As part of a busy schedule he has now joined the Journalist Panel for Spokesperson Media Training and will be helping business people to understand and work with the media to expand their profile.

As a writer he has been published widely and has also scripted documentary films, commercials and corporate presentations. He also co-wrote the screenplay for two feature films with his son Matthew. Afterlife marks his debut as an author, and his next book will be published in September 2013. (Working title is Afterlife Book 2).



Past Shows:

  • Natural Healing/ Past Lives & Reincarnation

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health approaches. Followed by Barry Eaton on his research into past lives.More »
  • Opioid Epidemic/ Cancer & the Metaphysical

    Jon Rappoport reported on America's opioid epidemic. Followed by Barry Eaton on how he used metaphysics to deal with cancer.More »
  • DARPA/ Afterlife Communications

    In the first half of the program, journalist and author Annie Jacobsen discussed DARPA - the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency which began during the Cold War and now develops robot warfare, drones, and brain control among many other frightening things. In the...More »
  • Afterlife Communications

    Barry Eaton, one of Australia’s most experienced radio and TV presenters, discussed how his his skills as a medium blossomed, and he learned what the afterlife was like. First hour guest, Michael Horn, spokesperson for UFO contactee Billy Meier, shared details on a new...More »

Last Night

Health Remedies / Ghosts & Hauntings
Health Remedies / Ghosts & Hauntings
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs discussed natural health remedies and supplements. Followed by author and paranormal investigator Richard Estep with reports of ghosts, hauntings, and anomalies.


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