Abby Ellin

Abby Ellin


Abby Ellin is an award-winning journalist and the author of ‘Teenage Waistland: A Former Fat Kid Weighs In On Living Large, Losing Weight and How Parents Can (and Can't) Help.’ For five years she wrote the "Preludes" column about young people and money for the Sunday Money and Business section of the New York Times. She is also a regular contributor to the Health, Style, Business and Education sections of the New York Times. Her work has been published in The New York Times Magazine, New York, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times Magazine, Psychology Today, Time, Newsweek, the Village Voice, the Boston Phoenix, Salon, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, and Spy (RIP). She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Emerson College and a Masters in International Public Policy from Johns Hopkins University. As of this writing, her greatest accomplishments are summiting Kilimanjaro (with a broken wrist!) and naming "Karamel Sutra" ice cream for Ben and Jerry's.



Past Shows:

  • Fabricated Identities

    Abby Ellin discussed her engagement to someone with a fabricated identity and the kind of people who create them.More »

Last Night

Four Assassinations / Bigfoot Evidence
Four Assassinations / Bigfoot Evidence
Author John Koerner discussed the untold history surrounding the assassinations Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy. Followed by podcaster William Sheehan who reported on the Bigfoot encounters he has meticulously compiled.


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