Gilbert Eriksen

Gilbert Eriksen


Former Viet Nam helicopter pilot Gilbert Eriksen has had a lifelong interest in figuring out how the world works. He graduated from Cal State Fullerton with a degree in psychology, and did graduate work in descriptive linguistics at the University of Oklahoma, Norman. After studying literature, prophecy and the Book of Revelation, Gil began to unravel keys to over unity energy systems, free energy, anti gravity systems and finally the implications Planet X has on mankind.



Past Shows:

  • Global Government & Planet X

    In the first half of the show, prophecy expert and author Grant R. Jeffrey discussed how technology and surveillance are setting the stage for a new reign of tyranny from a hidden global elite. Third hour guest, author Gilbert Eriksen talked about scientific evidence for Planet...More »
  • Return of Planet X

    Author and researcher Gilbert Eriksen outlined both science and biblical prophecy regarding the return of Planet X (Wormwood) which he believes will have dire consequences for the Earth. Rather than a planet, he suggested that Wormwood is actually a brown dwarf star. First...More »