Ernie LaPointe

Ernie LaPointe


Ernie LaPointe is the great-grandson of Hunkpapa Lakota chief, Sitting Bull. He is a Sun Dancer, Native American author, orator, and president and founder of the Sitting Bull Family Foundation. He resides in Rapid City, South Dakota.


Past Shows:

  • A New Perspective on Sitting Bull

    Author Ernie LaPointe talked about his grandfather, Hunkpapa Lakota chief Sitting Bull, and Native American spirituality and issues. In the first hour, industrial safety expert Jim Poesl will give an update on train derailments and accidents.More »

Last Night

Supernatural Awareness / Open Lines
Supernatural Awareness / Open Lines
Clinical psychologist and certified hypnotherapist Dr. Fredrick Woodard discussed his book, Developing Your Supernatural Awareness. The latter half of the program was devoted to Open Lines.


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