Jose Escamilla

Jose Escamilla


On March 5, 1994, Jose Escamilla videotaped sixteen minutes of UFO footage in broad daylight nine miles south of Roswell, New Mexico. He thought this would be the only UFO encounter he and his family would ever have. But fourteen days later he captured something on videotape that would forever change his life. He discovered something flying in the skies that just didn't look normal. At first he thought they were insects flying close to the video camera. After a number of tests he found out they were not insects. He found out they were not birds. Instead he discovered something that will forever change the way we accept reality.They are called Rods. And they are appearing everywhere, all over the world.


Past Shows:

  • Art Bell: Somewhere In Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere In Time returned to February 22, 2001, when Art Bell welcomed Jose Escamilla for a discussion on the odd, mysterious, and truly bizarre world of Rods — weird flying creatures that are so fast they are virtually invisible to the naked eye. Escamilla suggested...More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 2/22/01 when Jose Escamilla spoke about the truly bizarre world of Rods—weird flying creatures that are so fast they're virtually invisible to the naked eye.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time journeyed back to February 22, 2001, when Art welcomed Jose Escamilla for a discussion on the odd, mysterious, and truly bizarre world of Rods—weird flying creatures that are so fast they are virtually invisible to the naked eye.More »
  • Mushrooms & Medical Breakthroughs

    Immunologist and urological surgeon Dr. Marvin Hausman discussed his research into food as medicine, and in particular, the healing properties of mushrooms. Last hour guest, filmmaker Jose Escamilla talked about his newest film project, UFO, The Greatest Story Ever Denied...More »
  • Exorcism & Demons

    Journalist Matt Baglio discussed his recent work chronicling an American priest's training as an exorcist, and how the exorcism ritual is used to combat demonic influence and possession. Baglio himself took a course in exorcism training offered by a Vatican-affiliated university...More »
  • RODS Update

    During the first half of the show, explorer and filmmaker Jose Escamilla shared an update on the strange flying rods he discovered while investigating UFOs in 1994. The finned, gelatinous creatures look like "flying snakes" or cuttlefish and undulate through the air as though in...More »
  • UFO Abduction

    Historian David Jacobs highlighted some of the key events and theories that surround the subject of UFOs and alien abductions. Leading abduction researcher Budd Hopkins also joined in during the first part of the conversation.More »
  • The Rods Phenomenon

    Filmmaker Jose Escamilla appeared on Thursday night, to update his research into the inexplicable phenomenon known as "rods," which he videotaped beginning in 1994. These cylindrical objects, which can be captured by a camera set on a high shutter speed setting, vary in size...More »
  • Graham Hancock: Ancient Evidence

    Graham Hancock looks at the hard evidence of inexplicable underwater ruins around the world. India's a big part of the story, but also Malta and the Mediterranean, Japan and China, and the Grand Bahama Banks. 10 million square miles of the best lands on earth were submerged at...More »
  • Jose Escamilla

    Today is the anniversary date of RODS. On March 5, 1994 Jose Escamillavideotaped sixteen minutes of UFO (now referred to as Rods) footage over theclear blue skies of Midway, New Mexico.More »

Last Night

Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food safety expert Jeff Nelken shed light on the growing concerns surrounding food recalls and safety protocols. Followed by novelist and researcher Stafford Betty on evidence for the afterlife.


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