Al Fadi

Al Fadi


Al Fadi is a former Wahabbi Muslim from Saudi Arabia. He is the researcher, editor, writer, and translator for numerous ministries, including "Answering Islam" and runs an outreach ministry designed for non-Muslim and Christians. The ministry’s focus is to bring awareness regarding Islam, to build bridges with Muslim seekers, and to open the door to share the gospel with Muslims.

Al is a part of a group of former Muslims and professional Islamic scholars who desire to assist both Muslims and non-Muslims who seek to learn more about The Qur’an, to research it, to critically analyze it, and to better comprehend its teachings without the traditional religious and cultural barriers designed to indoctrinate and encapsulate the minds of many truth seekers. He has a masters in Biblical Communications, Engineering and is a teacher of Islam. He is also the Director of the Qur’an Project Group and a guest speaker for national churches and mission conferences’ events on the topic of Islam.



Past Shows:

  • Media Manipulation / Qur'an

    In the first half, activist, webmaster, and talk show host Michael Rivero joined John B. Wells for a conversation about how the U.S. government manipulates information to generate support for military conflicts and the financial factors fueling these wars. In the second half,...More »