Frank Feschino

Frank Feschino


Frank Feschino, Jr. has spent decades on his investigation into the "Flatwoods Monster" incident of September 12, 1952, thus, becoming the authority on this terrifying close encounter. This case involved a downed UFO and its alien occupant, a 12-foot-tall armor-clad being that encountered a group of unsuspecting local Flatwoods, WV townspeople. This terrifying close encounter quickly made headlines across the globe and was featured one week later on a nationally broadcasted live TV program, “We The People.”

Yet, although history had heavily documented this incident in the media and press there was a downside to the story; it was convoluted, inaccurate, covered-up by the government and the case was written off as a folklore story. Feschino's in-depth investigation into this incident, the longest since it occurred in 1952, has uncovered the truth behind this classic close encounter incident and reveals what really happened. Frank's book, "The Braxton County Monster- The Cover-Up of The Flatwoods Monster Revealed," is the definitive book on the "Flatwoods Monster" incident.



Past Shows:

  • The Braxton County Monster

    Researcher Frank C. Feschino, Jr. detailed his investigation into the 'Flatwoods Monster' case amid a 1952 UFO wave. First-hour guest 'dark artist' Mister Sam Shearon talked about his fascination with the occult and folkore.More »
  • Alien Implants & Flatwoods Monster

    In the first hour, guest host Whitley Strieber (email) welcomed Dr. Roger Leir, who discussed his most recent implant removal surgery of what he called a "manufactured device that is not from this world." Whitley noted that he was also in attendance during the procedure. Leir's...More »
  • Flatwoods UFO Case & Shootdowns

    Ufologists Stanton Friedman and Frank Feschino discussed the 'Flatwoods Monster' encounter, which took place on Sept. 12, 1952, during what they believe was the biggest UFO flap in US history. Witnesses said they saw a large oval-shaped craft set down on a hill in Flatwoods in...More »
  • UFO Shootdowns

    UFO researchers Stanton Friedman & Frank Feschino Jr. discussed fighter accidents & vanished planes in the 1950s, which they related to UFOs and the military's 'shoot down' era.More »
  • Inventions: Creation & Suppression

    Journalist and author Evan Schwartz said invention is one of the oldest forces of mankind and he discussed both the creative process and the suppression behind current and past inventions. There is an old saying that it is "safer to invent the future than predict it," and...More »
  • Flatwoods Monster UFO Case

    "It seemed to be a mechanical device, perhaps with an alien inside," said researcher Stanton Friedman. Friedman and fellow researcher Frank Feschino were discussing the fascinating Flatwoods Monster UFO case during the first half of Friday's show.More »

Last Night

Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Researcher and author Brooks Agnew discussed hidden aspects of the news and space exploration. Followed by ghost hunter and author Ross Allison on haunted toys and locations.


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