Joel Fotinos

Joel Fotinos


Joel Fotinos, the Spiritual Businessman, is vice-president and publisher at Tarcher/Penguin, and the co-author of The Prayer Chest, which Judy Collins called "a wonderful and enlightening book." Fotinos has also written or co-written several other books, and he was given Science of Mind magazine’s first “Spiritual Hero of the Year” award. A licensed minster with the Centers for Spiritual Living, Fotinos travels the country giving talks and workshops on spirituality and inspiration. He also speaks once a month and gives on-going classes at the Center for Spiritual Living North Jersey. Fotinos has narrated a dozen audiobooks, including the nationally best-selling audio editions for Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, and Law of Success.



Past Shows:

  • News Round-Up / Mind Tools

    In the first half, investigative reporter Greg Hunter provided updates and analysis on current events including Ebola, unemployment statistics, the stock market, and ISIS and the Middle East. In the second half, publisher at Tarcher/Penguin, Joel Fotinos, discussed his work...More »