Robert Fraize

Robert Fraize


Reverend Robert Fraize, is an experimental musician, occultist and founder of the Church of Leviathan and The Traditional Church of Satan based out of Lawrence, MA. Born in 1980, his experiences with paranormal phenomena and over two decades of exploration into the occult were the catalyst in forming the Church of Leviathan in 2004. Its central focus is to unite occultists in liberating themselves from the oppression of societal control. In 2005 he wrote his first book, “The Black Book of the Abyss” with a strong focus on internal alchemy, ritualization and teaching self-liberation through myths. He believes that through research and personal development, each person can create and walk their own spiritual path.



Past Shows:

  • Global Cooling/ Satanic Beliefs

    In the first half, President of the Space and Science Research Corporation (SSRC), John L. Casey, spoke about his discovery of a solar cycle that is now reversing from its global warming phase to that of dangerous global cooling for the next thirty years or more. In the...More »