Todd Gallagher

Todd Gallagher


Todd Gallagher is the author of Andy Roddick Beat Me With A Frying Pan. It is one man's mission to settle, once and for all, some fifty different sports debates, no matter how ridiculous. Through his extraordinary contacts in the world of sports, Todd gets answers from A-list names in every major sport, from LeBron James to Maurice Green to Jason Giambi to Mike Tyson, Andy Roddick to Jose Canseco, and many others. Todd doesn't just string together interviews; he's putting many of these questions to the test, quite literally. He has staged a series of exhibitions no one else would have the nerve to pull off: he's lined up a team of midgets to play against a minor league baseball team; he's gone head to head with a pro golfer in mini golf; and he's pitted a professional women's softball team against a minor league baseball team in both softball and hardball.



Past Shows:

  • Survival Skills

    Founder of the Aboriginal Living Skills School, Cody Lundin shared survival tips from backwoods self-reliance to urban disaster mitigation.More »

Last Night

Metabolic Balance / Electronic Voice Phenomena
Metabolic Balance / Electronic Voice Phenomena
In the first half, Jane Durst-Pulkys, PhD, Metabolic Balance Kitchen author and ambassador, joins guest host Connie Willis (info) to discuss what she believes is the cause of all disease and how to combat it. In the second half, paranormal investigator and author Anthony F....


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