Dave Gardner

Dave Gardner


Dave Gardner has worked as a professional director for over 30 years. During his career he’s directed documentaries and other award-winning projects for a long list of Fortune 500 corporate clients and PBS. He eventually found a successful career serving big business and a life pursuing the "American Dream" were not his Holy Grail.

His concern about our society’s growth addiction began when he noticed rapidly growing population centers in the American West are in denial about the limits of water available to feed their continuing growth frenzy. Dave’s became the voice of reason in Colorado Springs, a city in the U.S. projected to double in size from half a million in 2000 to 1 million by 2040. He prefers staying behind the camera, but reluctantly elected to be a major on-screen character in Hooked on Growth, just because he has been one of the most active "GrowthBusters" he knows!



Past Shows:

  • Hijacked by Growth

    Joining John B. Wells, filmmaker and activist Dave Gardner revealed how the American Dream has been hijacked by growth, consumerism, waste, greed, and materialism.More »