Steven Gibbs

Steven Gibbs


Steve Gibbs was adopted by the Gibbs family who raised him on a farm near Clearwater, NE. Although never fond of school, Steve finished high school and took trade school courses in electronics. He gained an excellent reputation for fixing things, putting things together, and installing things while helping the family farm. Steve has devised a machine that he claims will allow the user to actually travel through time.


Past Shows:

  • Time Travel

    In the first hour and a half, George spoke with Steven Gibbs about his Hyper Dimensional Resonator (HDR), a machine that Gibbs claims makes time travel possible. Gibbs said the HDR was developed by his counterpart from an alternate future Earth and given to him by time...More »
  • Time Travels

    Self-proclaimed time traveler Steven Gibbs (, discussed his invention which he says has allowed him to travel back and forward into alternate time streams. Gibbs said the idea for the machine was initially given to him by "time travelers from the future," whom...More »