William Gladstone

William Gladstone


William Gladstone is a bestselling author, literary agent, publisher, and filmmaker. and philanthropist. He holds degrees from Harvard University, and Yale University, where he studied medical anthropology. He has worked with some of the most influential authors of our time, including Deepak Chopra, MD Eckhart Toll, and Neale Donald Walsch. He has produced a television series and is the co-producer of the acclaimed film Tapping The Source.




Past Shows:

  • Transhumanist Agenda / Dr. Sha's Miracle Healings

    Researcher and podcaster Joshua Reid discussed the push toward transhumanism and the technology required to make it happen. Followed by author William Gladstone with the story of Dr. Zhi Gang Sha and his miraculous healings.More »
  • Ancient Mysteries & Doomsday Theories

    Cultural anthropologist and expert in indigenous cultures Bill Gladstone talked about being the lead researcher for Rod Serling's TV special In Search of Ancient Mysteries, as well as America's fascination with doomsday theories and whether the country was reaching a tipping...More »
  • Transformation & Life Purpose

    Co-author of the best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and known as America’s #1 Success Coach, Jack Canfield, discussed his life story, and how people can find greater success and happiness, and fulfill their life purpose. Author William Gladstone joined in the...More »
  • Gas Prices, Society, & Technology

    Author, engineer and staff writer for Forbes Magazine, Christopher Steiner discussed how the rising price of gasoline could be a good thing for American society, which could be restructured in positive ways. In the first hour, author William Gladstone talked about...More »
  • America's Occult History

    During the first three hours, well-known voice of occult and esoteric ideas, Mitch Horowitz discussed how the occult is very much part of American history including the Ouija board, trance mediumship, & astrology. Last hour guest, author William Gladstone talked about the...More »