David Ray Griffin

David Ray Griffin


A leading exponent of process philosophy and theology, David Ray Griffin is Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Emeritus, at Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University. He remains one of the co-directors of the Center for Process Studies in Claremont. In 1996, he was chosen as one of some 60 theologians worldwide to be included in the Handbook of Christian Theologians, ed. Donald Musser and Joseph Price.

His 27 books include God, Power, and Evil (1976), Unsnarling the World-Knot: Consciousness, Freedom, and the Mind-Body Problem (1998), The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 (2004), The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions (2005), and Deep Religious Pluralism (edited), 2005. He has also published over 150 essays.

After attending Northwest Christian College (B.A) and the University of Oregon (M.A.) from 1957 to 1963, he attended graduate school in Claremont from 1963 to 1968, where he earned his Ph.D. in 1970. He taught at the University of Dayton for 5 years before returning in 1973 to Claremont, where he remained until his retirement in 2004.


Past Shows:

  • 9-11 Theories & Evidence

    The 9-11 attacks were an "inside job" orchestrated by factions within the United States, according to three guests who shared their theories and evidence.More »
  • 9-11 Roundtable

    A 4-hour panel discussion investigating theories behind 9-11 was held, featuring Alex Jones, Peter Lance, Mike Levine, and David Ray Griffin.More »

Last Night

Ancient Cataclysms & Book of Enoch / Angels & the Akashic Records
Ancient Cataclysms & Book of Enoch / Angels & the Akashic Records
Researcher and explorer Timothy Alberino discussed ancient civilizations, cataclysms, and the Book of Enoch. Followed by teacher Amy Robeson on her work with the angelic realm, and the Akashic Records.


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