Terry Grim

Terry Grim


Terry Grim’s focus is moving “knowing” into “doing.” She brings training and experience in the full innovation lifecycle: foresight, strategy, project management, organizational change, and operations. Terry’s years of experience include senior positions at IBM as a member of the space program software development team, an international management assignment, and a headquarters position in Corporate Strategy. After IBM, Terry became a consultant in foresight and strategy with Social Technologies (now Innovaro) and an adjunct professor for the masters program in Studies of the Future at the University of Houston.

Terry is the author of the Foresight Maturity Model (FMM), a results-oriented approach to evaluating an organization’s foresight capacities based on best practices in the field. The FMM was published in the Journal of Future Studies and has been presented in many venues including the World Future Society and Proteus, the US intelligence community conference. It is currently in use by companies and practitioners in the field.

Terry has a BS in Computer Science from University of Florida and an MS in Studies of the Future from the University of Houston, and will soon complete an MA in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, also from the University of Houston. She has been certified as a project manager by IBM and the Project Management Institute (PMI). Terry is also a member of the Association of Professional Futurists and the World Future Society.


Past Shows:

  • Futurist Forecasts

    Professors Peter Bishop and Andy Hines from the Futures Studies program at the University of Houston joined Ian Punnett for a discussion on the techniques for long term forecasting and what futurists are seeing down the road for the world. Appearing during the third hour,...More »

Last Night

Napoleon's US Exploration / Amelia Earhart Mystery
Napoleon's US Exploration / Amelia Earhart Mystery
Author Walter Bosley discussed Napoleon Bonaparte and his mysterious ties to North America. Followed by filmmaker Rich Martini with details on the fate of American aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart.


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