David Grinspoon

David Grinspoon


David Grinspoon is an internationally known Planetary Scientist who is funded by NASA to study the evolution of Earthlike planets elsewhere in the universe. Currently he is Principal Scientist in the Department of Space Studies at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, CO. Dr. Grinspoon serves as an advisor to NASA on space exploration strategy. He has also lectured and published widely.



Past Shows:

  • Pluto & Beyond/ Tarot & Witchcraft

    Alan Stern and David Grinspoondiscussed the New Horizons mission. Followed by Madame Pamita on Tarot and witchcraft.More »
  • Astrobiology & Astronaut Training

    Filling in for George, Art Bell was joined by writer and scientist David Grinspoon, for a discussion on astrobiology-related topics. Grinspoon said astronomers have confirmed that other stars, besides our own Sun, have planets in orbit around them. There could be billions of...More »
  • Templar Secrets

    Author and Anglican Priest Lionel Fanthorpe returned to talk about Knights Templar secrets and the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark may have originally belonged to the Egyptians and it could have had alchemical powers to transform energy into a mysterious "fifth element," he said....More »
  • Titan, Planets & Astrobiology

    Planetary scientist David Grinspoon discussed the discoveries and data that have been coming back from the Huygens Probe which landed on Titan. In many ways, Titan is like an "alternate reality" Earth with its weather and geology resembling ours, he said. But instead of water,...More »
  • Probing Titan's Mysteries

    During the first hour, planetary scientist David Grinspoon discussed the Huygens probe landing on Saturn's moon, Titan. He thinks the fact that the probe survived its descent may indicate the landing surface was liquid or icy slush.More »
  • Life in the Universe

    Planetary scientist David Grinspoon chatted about his unconventional new book Lonely Planets, which delves into the origin of life on Earth, as well as conjectures on what life might be like elsewhere.More »

Last Night

Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Researcher and author Brooks Agnew discussed hidden aspects of the news and space exploration. Followed by ghost hunter and author Ross Allison on haunted toys and locations.


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