Jeff Grupp

Jeff Grupp


Jeff Grupp is a pastor who is the founder of the Kalamazoo Jail Ministry. He is a former atheist, a former Buddhist, and a former college lecturer in philosophy at Grand Valley, Western Michigan, Purdue (branch campuses) and Indiana U (branch campuses) where he taught philosophy, and more specifically: Eastern philosophy, ethics, metaphysics, and Buddhism.



Past Shows:

  • Hauntings & Ghosts / Biblical Misconceptions

    Writer Amelia Cotter shared tales of hauntings and ghosts in Maryland and Chicago. Followed by Pastor Jeff Grupp on misconceptions about biblical material.More »
  • Veterans Day / Simulation Theory & Belief

    Author Dannion Brinkley discussed the issues veterans face, and their end-of-life care. Followed by chaplain Jeff Grupp on his journey out of atheism, and his understanding of the Simulaton Theory.More »
  • Rise of Bitcoin / Faith & God

    Ben Mezrich discussed the history of Bitcoin and the Winklevoss twins. Followed by Jeff Grupp on concepts of faith and God.More »
  • Religious Belief Systems / Energy Vampires

    Jeff Grupp shared his journey exploring different belief systems. Followed by Lisa Campion on energy vampires.More »
  • New World Order Agenda

    Richard Syrett was joined by two experts on the New World Order, Jim Marrs and Jeffrey Grupp. the first half, Marrs discussed signs of the NWO in America, such as the Denver International Airport and the Georgia Guidestones. During the second half, Grupp argued that the United...More »
  • Witchcraft & Occult/ Mindscreen & Simulation Theory

    In the first half, author, lecturer, and vampire Michelle Belanger discussed her work challenging the erroneous conclusions of law enforcement that various homicides have been the acts of witchcraft, such as a recent gruesome case in Florida. In the latter half, radical...More »
  • Telementation

    Appearing during the middle two hours, radical academic Jeffrey Grupp discussed concepts such as telementation, which is "the idea that a deep feeling state inside you can alter reality in ways that you want," similar to the Law of Attraction. First hour guest, writer and...More »
  • Philosophy & Hidden Knowledge

    Radical academic and empiricist Jeffrey Grupp shared philosophical and metaphysical concepts, and discussed how hidden knowledge is sometimes suppressed, and used against the general population to control them. The "telescreen"-- the barrage of mass media images and information...More »

Last Night

Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food safety expert Jeff Nelken shed light on the growing concerns surrounding food recalls and safety protocols. Followed by novelist and researcher Stafford Betty on evidence for the afterlife.


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