Douglas Hagmann

Douglas Hagmann


Douglas J. Hagmann is CEO and Senior Investigator of Hagmann Investigative Services, Inc., based in Western Pennsylvania since 1986. He’s been the principal investigator of over 7,000 cases, specializing in cases involving high-end fraud, homicide, and general death investigations.


Past Shows:

  • Climate, Hollow Earth, & Shadow Govt.

    Electrical engineer Brooks Agnew updated his work on the Hollow Earth, the shadow government, weather manipulation, and his development of the first electric fleet truck. First hour guest, investigative author Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network talked...More »
  • Election Fraud & Financial Corruption

    Guest host Richard Syrett welcomed New York Times bestselling author Greg Palast for a discussion on his investigation into election fraud and corruption in the financial world. First hour guest, investigative author Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network,...More »
  • Boston Bombing Special

    For the first half of the show, intelligence expert Douglas Hagmann reported on the Boston Marathon bombings, and offered analysis of the tragic event. There are so many things we don't know at this point, he noted. In the latter half, callers were invited to share their...More »
  • Death of bin Laden

    In the first half of the show, intelligence expert Douglas Hagmann reacted to the news of the US' successful mission in killing Osama bin Laden, which was announced by Pres. Obama late on Sunday night. Appearing during the third hour, spirit medium Maureen Hancock discussed...More »
  • Time Travel & Cosmology

    Professor of astrophysics at Princeton University, J. Richard Gott spoke about his studies of cosmology, his work with the physics of time travel, and the need for space colonization. First hour guest, security expert Douglas Hagmann talked about the TSA's new whole-body...More »
  • Immigration Roundtable

    In this special four hour program, a panel of experts discussed the increasing problem of illegal immigration in the United States. Journalist and teacher Frosty Wooldridge, and author Jerome Corsi appeared for the entire show, while journalist Ron Barber, Jim Gilchrist of the...More »
  • Electronic Harassment

    Practicing physician Dr. John Hall discussed his work with thousands of victims of electronic harassment, stalking, and mind control and how CIA/NSA technology is being used to track, intimidate, and even read the thoughts of people. Last hour guest, Douglas Hagmann of the...More »
  • Alien Abduction & Covert Ops

    Researcher/experiencer Melinda Leslie discussed her recent work on abductees who claim to have been interrogated, and sometimes re-abducted by covert/military operatives, after their alien encounters. The phenomenon, often referred to as MILABS (military mind control and...More »
  • Glenn Miller Conspiracy

    Ian Punnett was joined by journalist and investigator Hunton Downs for a discussion on his research into a cover-up in the death of famed big band leader Glenn Miller. He contended that Miller wasn't killed in a plane accident over the English Channel in 1944-- that was a...More »
  • Haunting in Connecticut

    Paranormal investigator & demonologist John Zaffis and his guest, Carmen Reed (third hour) told her story about living in a haunted former funeral parlor, and the disturbing details of what her family endured. First hour guest, Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence...More »
  • UFOs & Disinformation

    Appearing during the middle two hours, researcher into alternative realities, John Michael Greer discussed his new book The UFO Phenomenon, which looks at how disinformation and mythologies play into belief systems about UFOs. The dialogue about UFOs has been stuck with a pair...More »
  • Energy Zappers

    During Open Lines, George offered a hotline for callers with stories about 'psychic vampires.' Chad in Birmingham, Alabama recalled when he was a teen and his best friend got pregnant and married a abusive man with the ability to focus his energy-draining powers. Chad said...More »
  • UFO Disclosure & Mars Theories

    UFO disclosure was addressed by two guests.In the second hour, Disclosure Project witness Dan Willis shared his testimony that he presented at the 2001 conference. In 1969, he was a code operator and translated a coded message from a Navy ship off the coast of Alaska. Sailors...More »
  • Un-Natural Disasters & Giants

    Author and expert in survivalism Steve Quayle discussed how disasters such as the Chinese quake, the Myanmar cyclone, and the tornadoes in the U.S. have been coming fast and furious. He suggested that some of these events could be caused by weather warfare brought about by the...More »
  • Lizard Man, Reptoids, & Mutilations

    'Cryptohunter' John Rhodes reported on recent and past Lizard Man accounts, Reptoids, and connections between MRSA and animal mutilations. A new South Carolina case bore similarities to a 1988 'Lizard Man' incident in which a car was vandalized with teeth marks chewing into the...More »
  • Tapping into Intuition

    Researcher and psychotherapist Dr. Laurie Nadel discussed her work exploring the 'sixth sense,' and helping individuals tap into their intuitive powers. Everyone has their own "personal intuitive signal" --unique cues that may be visual or auditory-- yet these signals come from...More »
  • Bizarre Stories

    George offered a 'bizarre stories' hotline during Open Lines. Dr. Roger Leir appeared in the 1st hour as well.More »
  • Advanced Technology & Privacy

    Appearing during all four hours, researcher and author Dr. Nick Begich discussed the capabilities of advanced technologies, and how they may affect privacy rights.More »
  • Demonic Entities

    "I think everything is haunted," spirits are all around us, said Atlanta-based medium Chip Coffey in his debut on the show.More »
  • Terror Alert & Full Moon Open Lines

    First hour guest, intelligence expert Douglas Hagmann discussed 11 missing Egyptian students, who were due to report to Montana State University, but did not.More »
  • The Nature of Healing

    Adam the DreamHealer discussed the nature of his healing work and specific cases.More »
  • UFO Cases & Tesla

    Researcher Dr. Bruce Maccabee discussed several UFO cases he has analyzed in depth as well as his study of Tesla's works. A 1976 incident in Iran involved jet fighters chasing a unknown bright object which apparently disabled the jets' electronics, he reported. The 2004 episode...More »
  • Special: UAE Port Controversy

    In this special program, six guests addressed the controversial United Arab Emirates port deal, which would put Dubai Ports World in charge of running major US shipping ports. Maritime Master Capt. Kelly Sweeney suggested that the issue wasn't so much who owned the ports, but...More »
  • Insights of a Medium

    Psychic medium Mary Occhino made her debut on the show, sharing her history, methodology and insights. In her initial experiments, decades ago, she used a Ouija board, and made contact with a benign spirit named "Quicksilver" who'd been a soldier in the Civil War.More »
  • Galactic Discoveries & Prophecy

    Investigative mythologist William Henry delved into galactic discoveries and prophecy, tying together some of NASA's new findings with ancient symbolism and knowledge. In particular Henry was intrigued with NASA's Stardust project, which in January 2006 is returning to Earth,...More »
  • JFK Assassination Special III

    Three authors each shared their theories about who was behind the assassination of JFK. Lamar Waldron said the legacy of secrecy behind the murder has continued to impact American history. He cited Bobby Kennedy as being a central figure in the story.More »
  • Fallen Angels & the Anti-Christ

    Author of The Nephilim Trilogy, Lynn Marzulli discussed his research into ancient manuscripts, UFOs, fallen angels and a race called the Nephilim.The Nephilim were giants of extraordinary size and strength who were the offspring of fallen angels and human women, Marzulli...More »
  • Predictions for America

    Intuitive Sean David Morton returned to the show, in what he said was his 50th appearance on Coast to Coast, now dating back 14 years. The four greatest natural dangers to the US between now and 2015 are the Yellowstone caldera, Mt. Rainier, the San Andreas Fault and the New...More »
  • Ufology & Roswell

    Physicist Stanton Friedman returned to report on a variety of issues related to ufology. While many consider them to be fraudulent, the secret government files known as the MJ-12 documents which discuss the alien visitation of Earth, are authentic and only the tip of the...More »
  • Destiny & the Nephilim

    Author Michael Tsarion returned to expound on his theories about the Nephilim and their genetic experiments with humans. Based on his studies of Celtic, Indian and other ancient mythologies and apocryphal texts like the Book of Enoch, he concluded that the Nephilim came to Earth...More »
  • Zarqawi's Nuclear Threat

    During the middle two hours, Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network discussed reports that say al Qaeda terrorist Abu Mousab al Zarqawi has obtained a nuclear device and/or is preparing radiological 'dirty bombs' (made by mixing radioactive material with...More »
  • Sun Tzu & Strategy

    America's leading authority on Sun Tzu's The Art of War, Gary Gagliardi, shared the ancient Chinese thinker's principles of strategy and how they can apply to many aspects of a person's life today. Sun Tzu wrote his text 2,500 years ago as a reaction against the more passive...More »
  • Terrorism & Globalism

    Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network and author Steve Quayle joined together for a discussion on terrorism, globalism, and the 9-11 attack. Quayle commented that while the U.S. has done an excellent job of preventing further terrorist acts on our soil, America...More »
  • After Death Communication

    Dr. Allan Botkin ( discussed his pioneering method to "heal grief" using Induced After Death Communication (IADC). The IADC process begins by getting the patient to move his or her eyes in a particular rhythmic fashion. According to Botkin, the eye movement...More »
  • HAARP, Mind Control & Technology

    Author/activist Nick Begich returned to share information and updates on a variety of topics that included Project HAARP, Tesla, privacy issues, mind control, electro-medicine and future technologies. HAARP, now under DARPA's control, may be capable of using low frequency...More »
  • Terrorism & Intelligence

    Author Steve Quayle and Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network discussed intelligence chatter and terrorism threats in America. Hagmann said he was, in fact, just hours away from having a meeting in Washington DC with the Joint Terrorism Task Force and the FBI to...More »
  • Survival Stories

    Author Laurence Gonzales shared stories about how certain people survive life threatening situations and demonstrate miraculous endurance and ingenuity. Almost all of the survivors he interviewed underwent a type of spiritual transformation during the process, Gonzales noted.More »
  • Dangers of Fluoride

    Editor of the newsletter, What Doctors Don't Tell You, Lynne McTaggart laid out the dangers of fluoride use which have been generally ignored by health professionals and communities at large. "It's a rat poison," McTaggart said of fluoride which is added to the water supply of...More »
  • Past and Future Lives

    An expert in hypnosis and time travel, Dr. Bruce Goldberg, shared cases and techniques of past and future life recall. In one case, which was documented in his book The Search for Grace (also made into a TV movie), Goldberg described how a woman was murdered by the same man in...More »
  • Speaking with the Dead

    Friday's show featured a special topic hotline, for people that "speak with the dead." One woman told a tale of eating a hamburger with her father in a truck stop, knowing full well that he was in spirit form. Another caller talked about how the ability to speak with the...More »
  • Bigfoot and UFOs

    UFO and Bigfoot researcher, Stan Gordon shared accounts of his first hand investigations of strange events that occurred in Pennsylvania in the 1970's. In the summer of 1973 he said there was one of the largest outbreak of Bigfoot sightings in history, over a seven-county area.More »
  • Ancient Codes & Solar Cycles

    Author and scientist Maurice Cotterell discussed his study of solar cycles, which led him to various discoveries about the secret codes of ancient civilizations. Periods of higher radiation (more sunspots) lead to more fertility but also more disease, while during lower...More »
  • Global Blackouts

    Thursday night's guest, surveillance specialist Douglas Hagmann discussed the blackouts occurring around the globe. His findings indicate these blackouts may have been caused by terrorist organizations. The pattern of attack seems to be based on coalition countries who have...More »
  • Terror Alert

    Bioterrorism expert Steve Quayle and surveillance specialist Douglas Hagmann joined the program on Tuesday to present their analysis of what they believe to be a heightened state of terror alert. "We're sensing a build-up," Quayle said, who sees "everything from a cyber attack,...More »

Last Night

Health Remedies / Ghosts & Hauntings
Health Remedies / Ghosts & Hauntings
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs discussed natural health remedies and supplements. Followed by author and paranormal investigator Richard Estep with reports of ghosts, hauntings, and anomalies.


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