Charles Hall

Charles Hall


Charles Hall enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in 1964. While stationed at Nellis Air Force Base outside Las Vegas, Nevada, he served for extensive periods of time in the desert on the Gunnery ranges at Indian Springs, Nevada. This service as a weather observer was followed by a year in Viet Nam where he performed award winning service. A year after receiving an honorable discharge, Charles married and went on to college where he earned both a Bachelor's Degree in Thermal Physics and a Masters degree in Applied Nuclear Physics at San Diego State University. In addition, Charles did Ph.D. level post graduate work at the University of Maine and later earned an MBA.

After Charles had been married for about six months, he decided to risk telling his wife about the Extraterrestrials that he had encountered at Indian Springs. 18 years later, his wife convinced him to publish what eventually became the Millennial Hospitality series of three books. Charles Hall writes about the Hall Photon Theory in one of the books. He claims that Einstein's theories fell short and, if scientists accept the hypotheses he presents, vehicles can be built which will travel faster than the speed of light.



Past Shows:

  • Coming Deflation / Tall White ETs

    In the first half, economist specializing in demographics, Harry Dent, discussed his contention that there is a "great deflation" coming in 2014 and beyond. In the latter half, Charles Hall talked about his encounters with a race of human-like ETs, he referred to as the...More »
  • The Tall White ETs

    Charles Hall recounted stories from his many meetings with alien beings that he referred to as the 'Tall Whites,' which he said took place from 1965-7, while he worked as a weather observer at Nellis AFB in Indian Springs, Nevada. Journalist Paola Harris also appeared on the...More »

Last Night

Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.


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