John Jay Harper

John Jay Harper


John Jay Harper is a retired electronics engineer and mental health counselor with the US Department of Defense. He initially began his studies of science because of an uncanny insight to the workings of radios, rocks, and rockets, as he says, building crystal-radio sets as well as homemade missiles as a child. Then upon completion of high school he joined the US Army and because of his basic mastery of the subject-matter, was sent to an elite training program at the Army Missile Command at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. Later he completed formal academic schooling in electronics, counseling psychology, and health sciences, then went on to complete a successful 25-year career with the DoD working at such diverse Top Secret facilities as the Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, California and Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Keyport, Washington. Today he is a researcher, writer, public speaker, and editor-in-chief with Reality Press in California focused upon earth changes impacting climate, consciousness, and civilization in era-2012, also known to astrophysicists as Solar Cycle 24.



Past Shows:

  • Shamanism & Earth Changes

    Futurist John Jay Harper shared his investigation into native shamanism as it correlates with the near-death experience (NDE), earth changes, and a global shift in consciousness.The shamanic tradition dates back thousands of years. Shamans, often engaged in healing work, travel...More »
  • Solar Cycle 24

    Futurist John Jay Harper discussed how Solar Cycle 24 marks the start of a disastrous cycle for our climate and civilization. The new solar cycle, which according to experts is currently under way, indicates that solar activity — sunspots and solar flares — is likely to...More »
  • Light, Consciousness & Connectedness

    In light of recent news about German physicists exceeding the speed of light and an Israeli researcher confirming the possibility of time travel, futurist and scientist John Jay Harper joined George for a discussion on how breaking the space-time barrier will open up new...More »
  • Approaching Catastrophes

    Author John Jay Harper warned of massive changes to the earth, climate, and health that he sees coming due to solar flare activity and other factors.More »
  • Solar Cycles & 2012

    Filling in for George, Ian Punnett welcomed clinical hypnotherapist and futurist John Jay Harper.More »
  • Visions, Altered States & Evolution

    Clinical hypnotherapist, futurist, and research scientist John Jay Harper debuted on the show in a conversation that encompassed such topics as altered states, trance phenomena, 2012 and earth changes.As a former scientist with the Department of Defense, he recounted how an...More »