Guy Harrison

Guy Harrison


Guy P. Harrison is an award winning writer who promotes science and reason. He is the author of Race and Realty: What Everyone Should Know About Our Biological Diversity and 50 Reasons People Give for Believing in a God. His latest book, 50 Popular Beliefs That People Think are True is a sweeping grand tour of unusual claims and weird beliefs.

Guy describes his latest book as positive and sympathetic toward believers. Rather than simply attempt to debunk crazy ideas and leave it at that, Guy explores the reasons why extraordinary claims continue to seduce so many people generation after generation.

Guy has travelled the world extensively, interviewing and writing about diverse people on six continents. He lives in southern California with his wife and two children.



Past Shows:

  • A Skeptic's Perspective / Open Lines

    In the first half, George Noory welcomed author and skeptic Guy Harrison, who shared his take on a wide variety of paranormal phenomena as well as conspiracy theories. Open Lines followed.More »

Last Night

Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.


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