Jim Haynie

Jim Haynie


Jim Haynie (W5JBP) of Dallas is the President of the American Radio Relay League (AARL). He has been involved in defining Amateur Radio's role in homeland security.


Past Shows:

  • Rebroadcast: Interpol & BPL

    In a rebroadcast from 3/20/04, David Bannon discussed his work as an Interpol agent and Jim Haynie and Joe Walsh of ARRL commented on the broadband over powerlines issue.More »
  • BPL & Interpol

    In the first 90 minutes, Jim Haynie, the Pres. of the American Radio Relay League and musician Joe Walsh spoke out against the current proposal to bring broadband over power lines. The remainder of the program featured David Race Bannon, who said he was recruited by Interpol at...More »