Richard Heinberg

Richard Heinberg


Richard Heinberg is best known as a leading educator on Peak Oil-the point at which we reach maximum global oil production-and the devastating impact it will have on our economic, food, and transport systems. His new book argues that limits to national and household debt plus tightening natural resource constraints mean that the era of economic growth is at an end. Richard has presented throughout the world and has been featured on radio and television and in documentaries.



Past Shows:

  • Fracking / Solar Outbursts & Ancient World

    In the first half, Peak Oil educator and fossil fuel critic, Richard Heinberg, discussed the problematic aspects of fracking as an energy resource. In the latter half, Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D discussed how coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from the Sun unleashed discharges upon...More »
  • 2013 in Numerology / Energy Issues

    Numerologist Glynis McCants, an expert in how patterns of events unfold according to the energy signature of specific numbers, appeared in the first half. She revealed what the "6" energy of the year 2013 holds for us, and how this year will be a stark contrast to the hellish...More »
  • Peak Oil / Saudi Arabia & 9/11

    In the first half of the program, leading educator on Peak Oil, the point at which we reach maximum global oil production, Richard Heinberg, talked about the devastating impact it will have on our economic, food, and transport systems. In the latter half, geopolitical...More »
  • Iroquois Supernatural

    During the final two hours, Algonquin healer, elder, and student of medicine men, Michael Bastine (book link), discussed his research of the rich legacy of the Iroquois Confederacy. In the first hour, author Richard Heinberg talked about how our new economic reality...More »
  • The Decline of Oil

    Editor of Museletter, Richard Heinberg shared an in-depth look at the decline of oil production which he suggested was likely to occur before 2010. Among the ramifications of this would be the steep rise in price of gas, food, and other products, and the lowering of our standard...More »
  • Oil Dependence

    Editor of MuseLetter, Richard Heinberg discussed the world's oil depletion and the ever increasing dependence we've had on oil since the industrial revolution.More »

Last Night

Decoding Dreams / Conspiracy Culture
Decoding Dreams / Conspiracy Culture
Modern mystic and author Theresa Cheung shared her insights on the significance of dreams. Followed by David Samuels, the editor of County Highway, who explored the rise of conspiracy theories and their effect on public trust.


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