Craig Hines

Craig Hines


Craig Hines is a multimedia artist with nearly two decades of experience inthe fields of computer graphics, video production, and website design. Hisinterest in computers began at an early age, and has only been rivaled byhis fascination with ancient civilizations, paranormal phenomena, science,and technology. His focused research on what would later become Gateway ofthe Gods began in 1999, and continues through today. Hines believes that histraining in multimedia, coupled with his knowledge of the paranormal, hasgiven him a unique point of view, whereby he examines how to make thefantastic real and accessible.

Craig Hines hopes that his research breathes fresh perspective into the field, and that his methods garner the mainstream respect that has eluded other authors. He encourages discussion of the facts, not agendas, both within the scientific and historical communities, and in the population at large."Finding the truth of the world around us," Hines states, "will depend upon our ability to be honest and open to fantastic possibilities, yet discerning enough to not blindly accept the fantastic as the only plausible explanation."



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