Tom Horn

Tom Horn


Long time television and radio personality, author and publisher, Thomas Horn, serves as the Chief Executive Officer of SkyWatchTV. At the dawn of the Internet, Horn launched two news services where coverage of latest-breaking news and information on cutting-edge stories covering religion, discovery, and the supernatural through in-depth investigative reports led to his network of writers being referenced and interviewed by the biggest names in broadcasting, including: Coast to Coast AM, the LA Times Syndicate, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, Time, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, BBC, MSNBC, Michael Savage, SciFi Channel, History Channel, Hannity & Colmes, Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural”, The Jim Bakker Show, Celebration Daystar TV, FaithTV, WorldNetDaily,, White House Correspondents, and dozens of other newsmagazines and press agencies around the globe.



Past Shows:

  • Asteroid Apophis Impact / Overcoming Hopelessness

    Tom Horn warned of asteroid Apophis hitting Earth in 2029. Followed by Rev. Temple Hayes on ways to overcome depression and loneliness.More »
  • Economic Chaos/ Vatican and ETs

    In the first half, "V, the Guerrilla Economist," who has contributed to private think tanks that help create investment policy, covered the looming economic collapse in what is now the summer of chaos in the financial markets. In the latter half, researcher of ancient...More »
  • Cosmology, Prophecy, & Legends

    Researcher of ancient mythology and paranormal phenomena, Tom Horn, was joined by prophecy expert Cris Putnam to discuss their trip to the Vatican observatory, legends from Native Americans of a "time before time," and accounts of portals or gateways to another dimension. ...More »
  • Biometrics & the End Times

    John B. Wells was joined by researcher of ancient mythology and paranormal phenomena, Tom Horn, and retired intelligence analyst, Terry Cook, for a discussion on biometric identification technology and how it connects to the New World Order and the End Times.More »
  • Vatican & ETs/ Free Energy

    In the first half, researcher of ancient mythology and paranormal phenomena, Tom Horn, updated the story of how the Vatican could be preparing for ET disclosure, and discussed his visit to the Vatican Astronomical Technology Telescope. In the second half, consultant Joel...More »
  • Prophecy of the Popes

    Author and publisher with a specialty in End Times and prophecy, Tom Horn, discussed his new research on the prophecy of the Popes, and how 2012 will be the fulfillment of St. Malachy's prediction that the Catholic Church will see one final Pope before its destruction. ...More »
  • New Lifeform / Transhumanism

    In the first half of the show, the surprising scientific announcement about the discovery of an arsenic eating life form in Mono Lake, CA was discussed. Space researcher Robert Zimmerman characterized the microbe as an extremophile, Richard C. Hoagland posed the question-- "Is...More »
  • 2012 & Prophecies

    Researcher Tom Horn discussed how 2012 is a pivotal time which coincides with prophecies from not only the Mayans, but Christianity, Judaism, Freemasonry, and other groups. In the last hour, investigative reporter Jon Rappoport discussed what is behind the promotion of Swine Flu...More »
  • Transhumanism, Stargates & Watchers

    Researcher Tom Horn outlined connections between transhumanism, the 'Watchers,' and stargates. Interestingly, transhumanism, which involves human enhancement through such fields as biotech, appears in ancient texts, he said. Repeatedly, he ran across the idea of god-like beings...More »
  • The Watchers & Transhumanism

    Researcher of ancient mythology and paranormal phenomena, Tom Horn discussed Stargate technology, the Watchers, and transhumanism.More »
  • Transgenics, Stargates & Aliens

    Researcher Tom Horn returned to discuss such topics as transgenics, stargates and alien abduction.More »
  • Aliens, Stargates & Prophecy

    Esoteric researcher & author Tom Horn discussed such topics as alien-human hybrids, stargates & multi-dimensional portals and Biblical prophecy.More »

Last Night

Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.


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