Chris Impey

Chris Impey


Chris Impey is University Distinguished Professor at the University of Arizona. His research interests center in observational cosmology, gravitational lensing, and the evolution and structure of galaxies. He is a past Vice President of the American Astronomical Society and has served on its Executive Council and its Astronomy Education Board. His web design and curriculum projects have been supported by both NASA and the National Science Foundation.



Past Shows:

  • Exoplanets & Space Exploration / Demon Possessed Mother

    Astronomy professor Chris Impey discussed the threats we face here on Earth, which lend urgency to searching habitable exoplanets. Followed by musician Michael Gagliardi on growing up with a demonically possessed mother.More »
  • Cosmology & Space Exploration/ Communicating with Horses

    Scientist Chris Impey talked about cosmology and life beyond earth. Followed by Professor Rosalyn Berne on her communications with horses.More »
  • Fair Tax Alternative/ Space Exploration

    In the first half, tax change advocate Bill Spillane discussed the 'FairTax' alternative-- a flat retail tax that would replace income and payroll taxes, along with a rebate for those who can't afford it. In the latter half, astronomy professor Chris Impey detailed the...More »
  • EPA Misdeeds / Space Exploration

    In the first half, former staff scientist at the Environmental Protection Agency, E.G. Vallianatos, talked about how he witnessed first hand the catastrophic collusion between the EPA and the chemical industry. In the latter half, Deputy Head of the Department of Astronomy...More »
  • Galaxies & Cosmology

    Astronomy Professor Chris Impey discussed the structure of galaxies, exoplanets, the Big Bang, and various other topics in astronomy and cosmology. Regarding the size of the universe, "the current view in the expanding Big Bang picture is that the distance to the well...More »
  • Cosmology / Remote Viewing

    In the first half of the show, Astronomy Professor Chris Impey discussed the evolution and structure of galaxies, as well as the eventual death of the Milky Way. In the latter half of the show, Maj. Ed Dames returned to share remote viewing updates on such topics as the...More »

Last Night

Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Researcher and author Brooks Agnew discussed hidden aspects of the news and space exploration. Followed by ghost hunter and author Ross Allison on haunted toys and locations.


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