Victoria Jennings

Victoria Jennings


What began as a search to understand the nature of God, led author and bookstore owner Victoria Jennings to the profound discovery of the Arcana Arcanum or Mystery of Mysteries, through which God As Mother is revealed. Jennings worked in the movie industry for 10 years before opening her bookstores in the Los Angeles area. She is a lecturer, visionary mystic, and an established spiritual advisor with over 30 years of experience as a student of mysticism and other religious traditions. Her spiritual adventures began at age nine, with a strong background in work with lucid dreaming, the out-of-body experience, and telepathy.



Past Shows:

  • Profound Manuscripts

    Ian Punnett welcomed Dr. Ann Blake Tracy, the director of the International Coalition for Drug Awareness, in the first hour. They discussed her research into adverse reactions caused by medications such as Prozac. Victoria Jennings, the main guest, discussed a mystical Christian...More »

Last Night

Metabolic Balance / Electronic Voice Phenomena
Metabolic Balance / Electronic Voice Phenomena
Jane Durst-Pulkys, PhD, discussed the metabolic balance program, which aims to reset metabolism, reduce inflammation, and achieve optimal weight. Followed by paranormal investigator Anthony F. Sanchez who delved into UFO and paranormal phenomena, ghost hunter apps, and EVPs.


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