Jeremy Kahn

Jeremy Kahn


Award-winning journalist for Fortune magazine, Jeremy Kahn covers emerging technologies and artificial intelligence, and has reported from India and much of South Asia, the Ivory Coast, Iraq, Venezuela, and most countries in Western Europe. He researches why the real dangers we face in this new AI-enhanced world are not the ones we’ve all been hearing the most about.



Past Shows:

  • Mastering AI / Ghost Behaviors

    Journalist Jeremy Kahn discussed the potential risks and benefits of AI. Followed by Cheryll Jones' interview with ghost-hunting guide Chris Bores.More »

Last Night

Supernatural Awareness / Open Lines
Supernatural Awareness / Open Lines
Clinical psychologist and certified hypnotherapist Dr. Fredrick Woodard discussed his book, Developing Your Supernatural Awareness. The latter half of the program was devoted to Open Lines.


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