Robert Joling

Robert Joling


Robert Joling is a World War II veteran of the Pacific Theater of Operations. He practiced law before the Wisconsin Supreme Court and the Eastern and Western Federal District Courts in 1951 and the Arizona Federal District Court in 1972. During the 57 years that Bob has been licensed to practice law, he has spent over 50 years in the promotion of the forensic sciences, becoming a Fellow (1961) and past President of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (1975-76). Bob was a Founder and Chairperson of the Forensic Science Foundation. He was a Member of the British Academy of Forensic Sciences and also a former Associate in Law of the American College of Legal Medicine.



Past Shows:

  • Space & Earth Reports

    Starting in her new full-show, last Thursday of the month guest slot,investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe presented news about Planet X, the Peruvian meteorite, and other space and earth topics. She interviewed geological sciences Prof. Peter Schultz, who told her that the...More »