Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart


Jon Stewart has spent more than 20 years researching the authenticity of a VHS Tape showing an alleged interrogation of a Gray Alien who was captured sometime around 1991. He watched the video soon after its release in 1996 and became intrigued by its realistic depiction of the Gray Alien. Stewart consulted video and animation experts, who did not detect any forgery. He also received a list of medical and military personnel directly involved in the interrogation and was able to speak with several of the named individuals or family members. Later he learned about a disgruntled group of military insiders associated with the infamous S-4 facility at Area 51 who revealed they were behind the leaked video. Stewart concludes that the tape is authentic and was leaked by an insider called Victor. 



Past Shows:

  • Exposing the Deep State / The Alien Interview

    Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp discussed his experiences in counterterrorism, and his CIA investigation and whistleblowing. Followed by researcher Jon Stewart who talked about his investigation into a video of an alleged interrogation of an alien.More »
  • Gray Alien Interrogation / Templars in Brazil

    Researcher Jon Stewart discussed his investigation into a purported alien interrogation video from 1991. Followed by Dr. Kathleen Bal who reported on the discovery of a Knights Templar cave hidden in a remote area on the outskirts of a small Brazilian town.More »