Elizabeth Joyce

Elizabeth Joyce


Born as one of two sets of identical twins, Elizabeth Joyce has been psychic since birth. From a Bergen County, NJ, housewife, and mother, she has become internationally respected for her gifts as a psychic and energetic healer. A modern-day mystic and master spiritual teacher/healer through the grace of God, Elizabeth is a gifted speaker on unknown mysteries, higher realities, and higher wisdom. Her dreams, visions, accurate predictions, and miracles have been documented on national media. She has also has assisted the police, sheriff departments, and the FBI in finding hundreds of missing people, as well as exposing psychic fraud.

A frequent guest on radio shows across the country, Elizabeth is the host of Let's Find Out, a weekly program that airs Sundays at 10:00pm ET on BBSRadio.com. Her show focuses on metaphysics and unveiling the truth about human consciousness, social concerns, and uplifting the heart and mind to find purpose, serenity, and peace. The author of ten books, including Unlimited Realities, Elizabeth Joyce offers reading worldwide (Zoom and Skype) for individuals, couples and families; spiritual counseling; past and present life regressions; and positive affirmations to assist people in letting go of bad habits. Her new Spiritual Chakras classes began in November, 2020. Her 24-hr. answering service phone number is 201-934-8986.



Past Shows:

  • Predictions for 2023

    In separate hours, four guests shared their predictions for 2023: Joseph Jacobs, an internationally known psychic, astrologer Mark Lerner, modern-day mystic Elizabeth Joyce, and astrologist & author Joy Yascone.More »
  • Predictions for 2022

    In separate hours, four guests shared their predictions for 2022-- psychic Joseph Jacobs, director of the Palmistry Institute, Vernon Mahabal, master astrologer and spiritual advisor Jeff Harman, and author and mystic Elizabeth Joyce.More »
  • Timothy Leary's Legacy / Predictions & Insights

    Producer and director Paul Davids discussed the death of Timothy Leary and his cultural legacy. Followed by psychic Elizabeth Joyce with predictions and insights.More »
  • 2021 Predictions Show

    Psychics Joseph Jacobs and Elizabeth Joyce predicted what 2021 would hold in store, then listeners called in with their predictions for the year ahead.More »
  • 2020 Predictions & Insights

    Psychics and sages including Joseph Jacobs, Vincent Genna, Linda Schurman, and Elizabeth Joyce shared their visions for what's in store for the new year.More »
  • 2019 Predictions & Insights

    On our New Year’s night special, psychics and astrologers (Joseph Jacobs, Linda Schurman, William Stickevers, and Elizabeth Joyce) shared their visions.More »
  • Artifacts Coverup/ Psychic Predictions

    Steve Quayle discussed a Smithsonian cover-up of giants and artifacts. Followed by Elizabeth Joyce with predictions of the future.More »
  • 2018 Predictions & Inspirations

    George hosted 4 guests for a New Year's Day special: psychic Joseph Jacobs, astrologer Mitchell Lewis, psychic Elizabeth Joyce, & author Mitch Horowitz.More »
  • Planetary Energies/ Urantia Revelations

    Psychic Elizabeth Joyce discussed her predictions and performed readings. Byron Belitsos described the teachings of the Urantia Book.More »
  • 2017 Predictions/ Capturing Bigfoot

    Psychic Elizabeth Joyce made predictions for 2017.Peter von Puttkamer discussed his documentary series "Killing Bigfoot."More »
  • Alternative Health/ Psychic Predictions

    In the first half, registered pharmacist Ben Fuchs discussed the latest in health information and alternative treatments, and tackled callers questions about various ailments. In the latter half, psychic and energy healer Elizabeth Joyce reviewed her remarkable track record...More »
  • Vaccine Dangers/ Visions of the Future

    In the first half, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council, discussed his work on the dangers of certain types of vaccines. In the latter half, professional astrologer, spiritual counselor, energy healer, and clairvoyant, Elizabeth...More »
  • Psychic Attacks & Open Lines

    George Noory welcomed spiritual healer Elizabeth Joyce for a discussion on psychic attacks, demonic forces and auras. Open Lines followed.More »
  • Indigo Children, Psychic Attacks, & 'Wow!' Calls

    Named one of the "World's Greatest Psychics," Elizabeth Joyce talked about indigo children, as well as psychic attack scams, during the first half of the program. Open Lines followed.More »

Last Night

Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
Professional magician Chris Ramsay spoke about paranormal phenomena, particularly remote viewing and out-of-body experiences. Followed by Eric Oram, a Wing Chun Kung Fu master, who explained this style of martial arts.


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