Julia Gordon-Bramer

Julia Gordon-Bramer


Julia Gordon-Bramer is a professional Tarot card reader, award-winning writer and poet, Sylvia Plath scholar, and former professor for the Graduate Writing Program at Lindenwood University. She has appeared on MTV, Nickelodeon, and many television and radio shows to share her Tarot talents and scholarship. Recognized as one of St. Louis’ Top Ten Psychics (Psychic St. Louis) and St. Louis’ Best Fortune-Teller (CBS Radio), she is the author of several books, including Fixed Stars Govern a Life: Decoding Sylvia Plath. She lives in St. Louis, Missouri.



Past Shows:

  • Weight Loss Drugs / Sylvia Plath & the Occult

    Author Johann Hari discussed the impact of weight loss drugs such as Ozempic. Followed by Tarot reader and writer Julia Gordon-Bramer on the poet Sylvia Plath's connections to occult practices.More »
  • AI Apocalypse / Tarot Wisdom

    Author and philosopher Jonathan Zap discussed the dangers of AI and a possible "viral apocalypse." Followed by Tarot reader Julia Gordon-Bramer on the wisdom and meaning of the cards.More »