Tony Kail

Tony Kail


Tony Kail is an ethnographer and writer. He holds a degree in cultural anthropology and has researched magico-religious cultures for more than twenty-five years. His work has taken him from Voodoo ceremonies in New Orleans to Haitian Botanicas in Harlem and Spiritual Churches in East Africa. He has lectured at more than one hundred universities, hospitals and public safety agencies. Kail has been featured on CNN Online, the History Channel and numerous radio, television and print outlets. A resident of Humboldt, Tennessee, Kail was raised in Memphis and calls it his second home.



Past Shows:

  • UFOs & Nukes/ Southern Hoodoo

    Robert Hastings discussed the connection between UFOs and nuclear bases. Followed by Tony Kail on the practice of Hoodoo in the South.More »

Last Night

Natural Remedies / Appalachian Folklore
Natural Remedies / Appalachian Folklore
Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the human body's ability to achieve healing through natural remedies and supplements. Followed by author Mark Muncy on Appalachian folklore, cryptids, and eerie legends.


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