Jerry Katz

Jerry Katz


Jerry Katz awakened to his nondual nature at the age of 7. Several spontaneous awakening experiences followed until age 12. Though he valued the experiences, he did not know how to integrate them into his young life. At age 25, he returned to investigate those events and knowings. At age 49 he was ready to take nonduality out of the ashrams, out of the obscure religious scriptures, and out of the world of academia, and cast nonduality onto the streets where it would be accessible to the masses. In that regard, Jerry has published a daily newsletter, The Nondual Highlights, for the past 8 years. He is the editor of One: Essential Writings on Nonduality. He started the online forum Nonduality Salon in 1998. It is the first gathering focused on discussion and pursuit of nonduality without being affiliated with a single guru, teacher, or tradition. Jerry lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, where he works in community services.



Past Shows:

  • The Path of Nonduality

    Writer and researcher Jerry Katz spoke with Rollye James about nonduality, a type of consciousness that involves a sense of oneness or non-separation.More »