Phil Kava

Phil Kava


Phil Kava is a Reiki practitioner, independent subtle energy researcher, energy worker, presenter and author. He has been researching and practicing energy healing since the age of nineteen, when he discovered his grandfather was a faith healer in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains of Pennsylvania in the early 1900’s. He also spent over ten years working with biophysiscist W.C. Levengood, researching charged density pulse energies, subtle energy and energy medicine.



Past Shows:

  • Intention & The Universe / Cultivating Your Dreams

    Energy worker Phil Kava discussed subtle energy, ESP, power of intent, and telepathy and telekinesis. Followed by mental health therapist Machiel Klerk on cultivating an intimate relationship with your own dreams and subconscious.More »
  • Power of Water / Subtle Energy

    In the first half of the show, Professor of bioengineering the University of Washington, Gerald Pollack, discussed his research on the power of water to help us understand secrets of nature and health. In the latter half, abduction experiencer and energy worker Phil Kava...More »

Last Night

Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food safety expert Jeff Nelken shed light on the growing concerns surrounding food recalls and safety protocols. Followed by novelist and researcher Stafford Betty on evidence for the afterlife.


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