Kelly Renee Schutz

Kelly Renee Schutz


Dr. Kelly Renee Schutz is a sensitive intuitive empath who has experienced over 100 different paranormal situations and believed to be, 3-4 extraterrestrial visitations. Her abilities awakened around ages 3-5, when she began having dreams about tragic events that showed on television. She has noted her abilities as being clairaudient, clairsentient, psychokinetic, and telepathic. Dr. Kelly has written articles for paranormal magazines and was on the cover of Paranormal Underground Magazine. She is the host-producer of the TV Talk Show, Disembodied Voices, as seen on PARAFlixx streaming network, and can be heard on the Para-X Radio Network and numerous platforms on her podcast, Paranormal Encounters Podcast Series.

For many years, her numerous encounters with unexplained energies have honed her to becoming a citizen researcher who seeks to answer the question –“what exactly have I experienced?” Kelly’s interactions with the unexplained have created an endless list of experiences, including being marked, touched, channeled, attacked, put into trances, kicked up into the air, choked, possessed, tricked-lured, levitation, psychokinesis, run-ins with black-eyed teens, telepathic directedness, and miraculous healings.



Past Shows:

  • Possession & Spiritual Practice / Paranormal Encounters

    Director of the Institute for Hermetic Studies, Mark Stavish, discussed the intersections of spiritual practices and the paranormal, including possession. Followed by psychic and citizen researcher Dr. Kelly Renee Schutz on her many paranormal encounters.More »